Within the first first months of 2014, ENV banners, displays, stickers, and flyers, all urging the public to eliminate the demand for wildlife products and fight wildlife crime, have infiltrated dozens of locations all over Vietnam, from primary schools, secondary schools, and universities to markets and car showrooms. In the past couple of weeks, ENV has focused on achieving the support of various government ministries, working with them to display our information boards in order to raise the awareness of government officers and visitors to the departments and also to demonstrate the commitment by the government and authorities to protect wildlife in Vietnam.
Despite the complicated processes involved in working with Vietnamese ministries and the difficult nature of networking with such authorities, ENV’s talented and persuasive staff have managed to display various rhino, bear and tiger boards in the offices of the Ministries of Finance, Transportation, Culture, Sport and Tourism and the Ministry of Labour, Invalid, Social Affairs, amongst others. ENV is looking forward to seeing even more support from ministries and departments, especially in those provinces where we are currently setting up volunteer-led outposts, so that we can effectively work to reduce demand for wildlife products all over Vietnam, with clear support and commitments from the government and related authorities.
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