3779 bear pledges: bear protection volunteer “flashmob” storm Vinh University

ENV is delighted to report our biggest result from a volunteer-led event so far: Last Friday Nghe An Volunteer Clubs managed to gather a HUGE 3779 pledges to say‘no’ to bear bile at Vinh University.


April14-3779 bear pledges


Over the course of the day, over 20 volunteers powered around Vinh University, in Nghe An province in central Vietnam, as part of an event which aimed to raise awareness about the need to stop the use of bear bile. The exhibit itself was also well attended and 200 people also shared their ideas on the topic ‘If you have a chance to talk to bear farmers who extract bear bile, what will you say to them?’. 


Overjoyed at their results, ENV asked the club to share the secret of their success, and the club leader Dương Thùy Trang told us “we used every minute in the exhibit day to go around, talked to many people one by one so that they could see how important for us to protect wildlife, we talked to our lecturers, people in the Youth union, office workers, engineers, and even the security team in Vinh university – we didn’t want to miss a single person.” 30 more young people have also signed up to become a part of ENV’s volunteer network and support us in our mission. 


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