ENV’s radio presence leads directly to a prosecution in the case of a hunted macaque

ENV uses a wide variety of outreach methods to urge the public not to consume wildlife products and to report wildlife crime to the authorities or the ENV hotline, such as our regular slots on the Voice of Vietnam national radio station. Because of this campaign, one hotline caller far away in rural mountainous province in Bac Kan was aware of ENV’s work and the hotline number, and on March 18 was able to report the hunting of a macaques in his local area.




According to the informant, many villagers from a remote hamlet in the Cho Moi district of Bac Kan province worked together to catch a macaque before selling it to an unknown buyer and sharing the profits. ENV reported this case to Cho Moi district police, who then checked and transferred the case to the local Forestry Protection Department. The FPD worked with both the local authorities and the community to get to the bottom of the case. As many people were involved in catching the macaque, the FPD decided that the main actor would receive the strongest punishment, but others involved would also receive a lighter punishment. 


The case was finally concluded today, as the FPD fined more than 10 people involved, and the money gained from selling the animal was also confiscated. 


Case ref no 6431


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