Ruminating on rhinos

The last week has been eventful on the rhino front! We held rhino talks at two of Hanoi’s most famous universities. In cooperation with Green for Future Club, we met with more than 300 students at Vietnam Forestry University. They shared their ideas and participate in a debate on the protection of rhinos and how to reduce demand for rhino horn. Both students and lecturers joined together to commit to say No to rhino horn, proudly display our biggest rhino pledge card yet.


Oct23-ruminating on rhinos

On the weekend, we dropped by the Academy of Journalism and Communication with journalist Doan Hoang, one of the Vietnamese delegates from the September fact-finding trip to South Africa. Doan Hoang’s stories helped the students understand more about rhinos and their role in protecting rhinos and other wildlife. Around 200 students wrote down their views and ideas on wildlife protection – one student said, “You can’t show off with rhino horn. Prove your worth through other more humane and modern ways!”



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