PSA – Covid19: Wildlife consumption must be stopped amid

People across the globe are facing death and economic collapse due to the consumption of wildlife. While Vietnam is not the culprit of the current Covid-19 pandemic, there is still prevalent consumption of wildlife in Vietnam and it is time for this practice to end once and for all.

In this Public Service Announcement (PSA), ENV illustrates how the outbreak has spread worldwide while alarming the public to stop consuming wildlife immediately. ENV calls on the people to take their future into their own hands to ensure a future zoonotic disease is not able to destroy families, communities, countries, and economies ever again.

This PSA is being broadcast on nearly 60 TV channels across Vietnam, reaching millions of people. In addition to the Covid-19 PSA, ENV has also launched numerous other viral campaigns and LCD displays in buildings all over Vietnam with similar wildlife consumption messages.

To join ENV as we strategically combat wildlife trafficking through public education, response to wildlife crime, and collaboration with Vietnamese lawmakers to update legislation, please consider donating.

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