Four langur poachers sentenced to prison

ENV has received new information from the court that four poachers have been convincted for killing three Indochinese silvered langurs in Phu Quoc National Park; two of the accused have been sentenced to two years in prison, whilst the other two hunters have been sentenced to two years and six months.



Four langur poachers sentenced to prison




The four hunters from Kien Giang province were apprehended last July by the local Forest Protection Department after capturing and killing four langurs, a protected primate species, in order to use them for food.


In Vietnam, Indochinese silvered langurs are protected under Group IB of Vietnamese Decree 32/2006/ND-CP, which includes endangered and critically endangered species. The exploitation and use of these species for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Whilst this is an achievement in the fight against wildlife crime in Vietnam, ENV still advocates for stronger punishment towards these types of criminal violations in order to effectively deter poachers and consumers in the future.


Photo for illustration only. Photo courtesy of










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