On October 26, 2021, three Asiatic black bears were transferred from a bear farm in Long An province to Cat Tien Bear Rescue Center!

For years ENV has been communicating directly with this bear owner in efforts to convince him to give up his bears. These efforts included phone calls, postcards, brochures of the bear sanctuary, and collaborating with Long An Forest Protection Department and Cat Tien Rescue Center who also communicated with the bear owner on why he should give up his bears and let them live a better life at a rescue center.

Translation: In the last three months of 2020, 15 bears from 5 provinces were voluntarily transferred by their owners. Be the next bear owner to give their bears a better life at a rescue center!

These are 3 of the last 4 bears in Long An province, meaning there is just 1 bear left in Long An! Following this transfer, ENV has called and sent a convincing package to the last bear owner in the province to motivate him to give up his bear. We have also reached out to the local authorities for their support motivating the owner to transfer the last bear in the province!
There may still be 105 bear farms left in Vietnam and 324 bears kept on those farms, but with support from the public and authorities, we know the end to bear bile farming can be achieved. If you want to help ENV in our efforts to end bear bile farming in Vietnam, you can become a monthly donor to ENV’s Bear Campaign: https://bit.ly/ProtectBearsinVietnam