ENV conservationist gives students an insight with his first-hand experience of rhino slaughter in South Africa

Yesterday evening, nearly 100 future conservationists from the Environment Department at Hanoi University of Science were able to see and feel the dire situation of rhinos in South Africa through the eyes of a member of team ENV, who was part of the fact-finding mission organized and sponsored by Rhinose Day and Humane Society International


Oct2-ENV conservationist gives students an insight of rhino slaughter in South Africa


The shocking truth was laid bare via a lot of field-trip footage and photographs: the students can now understand the serious consequences of the rhino horn consumption demand in countries like Vietnam on the survival of the world’s remaining rhinos.


In answering the question “What we can do to stop the consumption demand in Vietnam?”, one student suggested imposing more serious punishment for the act of smuggling, trading and using rhino horns to help deter future crimes, whilst another emphasized the importance of education in changing the mindset of the Vietnamese public. Now we hope that these young people will continue to work in their society to protect rhinos around the world.


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