ENV Volunteer Clubs continue to grow

ENV continues to develop the capacity of our volunteer network to work for wildlife protection all over Vietnam. Last Sunday, both our Hanoi and Hai Phong groups had a successful day.


March17-ENV Volunteer Clubs continue to grow


In Hanoi, 25 volunteers attended our ‘Snake Seminar’, and learnt about one of the most popular animals found in wildlife crime cases committed by restaurants in Vietnam. Two volunteers lead the seminar and their presentation really inspired the others. One member also raised the debate about punishments for wildlife consumption, sharing his views that wildlife consumption is never a good way to show social status or improve health, but drives many species to extinction.


At the same time, the first bear exhibit to be run by the Hai Phong Volunteer Club was successfully held in the biggest market in the city, with great results; over 400 passers-by signed the bear pledge cards, committing not to consume bear products, while nearly 20 people showed their dedication to protect wildlife by sharing their ideas about bear bile consumption. We are delighted at how willing the volunteer clubs are taking to learn more about wildlife protection, develop their skills and also to sacrifice their own time to support conservation, even at the weekend!







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