Serious wildlife possession crimes uncovered in Dak Nong province

Yesterday, Vietnamese news on reported that the Environmental Police Department of the Ministry of Public Security in cooperation with Dak Nong province’s police investigated and uncovered serious wildlife crimes at three locations in Dak Nong province.


Sep12-Serious wildlife crime uncovered in Dak Nong



When checking the first site, the local authorities found 61 dead animals including 13 black-shanked douc langurs, many small Indian civets, 7 leopard cats, 5 yellow-cheeked gibbons, 11 gray-cheeked flying squirrels and 5 other unidentified flying squirrels… 

On the same day, the authorities continued to check two more sites and discovered over 100kg of wildlife skins and meat without certificates of origin. All of the wildlife was confiscated for further process.


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