Son Tra peninsula: The kingdom of a rare primate

For years, Son Tra Nature Reserve in Da Nang, Vietnam has been renowned not only as an ideal destination for eco-tourism but also as the kingdom of the Red-shanked Douc Langur (Pygathrix nemaeus).


Son Tra Nature Reserve

Photo courtesy of Hoang Minh Duc


Two hundred Red-shanked Douc Langurs were first discovered in 1995 and the population has since increased to over 350, making Son Tra peninsula the home of the world’s largest group of this remarkable species.


The rare primate, which is protected under CITES Appendix I, is now on the brink of extinction in many areas across the globe, but in Son Tra peninsula it is continually growing and thriving. This is thanks to the committed endeavors of the Da Nang city government which approved a US$2 million project for biodiversity conservation in the Son Tra Nature Reserve over ten years (2010-2020). The determination and commitment of the Da Nang city government should be applauded!


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