The PSA showcases a typical working day at the ENV Wildlife Crime Unit. Officers receive wildlife crime reports from the public throughout the country, passing on the reports to the relevant authorities. The bustling scenes depict their collaboration with law enforcement agencies during operations that lead to the arrest of criminals and confiscation of wildlife.
The scene concludes with a significant seizure resulting in cheers from ENV’s wildlife warriors. The PSA goes on to urge the public to report wildlife crime to the ENV Wildlife Crime Hotline 1800-1522.

In nearly 20 years of operation, the ENV Wildlife Crime Unit has witnessed a substantial change in public awareness regarding wildlife issues, with the number of public reports surging to an average of nine per day in 2023. In 2023 alone, ENV received 2,199 public reports that resulted in the rescue of 2,514 wildlife animals.
“The war against the illegal wildlife trade can’t be won without the public’s support and their active participation,” says Nguyen Phuong Dung, ENV Vice Director. “We have witnessed positive changes in public attitudes toward wildlife protection over the past 20 years, especially amongst the younger generation. We urge more Vietnamese citizens to actively take part in efforts to stop the illegal trade of wildlife,” continues Ms. Dung.
Ms. Michelle Owen, Chief of Party for the Saving Threatened Wildlife project, reiterated, “It is our hope to see a continued increase in public action to protect Vietnam’s wildlife in the coming years. We encourage a sense of duty and responsibility among members of the public to support efforts to prevent the illegal wildlife trade and wildlife trafficking in Vietnam, and one of the simplest ways of doing so is by making reports to the Wildlife Crime Hotline,” Ms. Owen concluded.
The PSA is currently being broadcast on 54 local TV stations nationwide and will be covered widely on ENV’s and partners’ social media platforms.