March 2014

Bear farming hotspot campaign update: working with the local community to put pressure on bear bile farmers

ENV continues to target Phuc Tho district, a bear farming ‘hotspot’ with a high concentration of bear farms, with various innovative strategies, such as contacting the bear farmers themselves and working in the schools of the children of the farmers, to end bear bile farming in the area.  

Bear farming hotspot campaign update: working with the local community to put pressure on bear bile farmers Read More »

ENV’s volunteers help display ‘Say no to wildlife products’ banners in Vinh

The further we spread the “Say no to wildlife products” message, the better. One of ENV’s goals this year is to expand our reach across Vietnam, to help more people understand the importance of wildlife and stop using wildlife products. But how will ENV be able to hang up those banners all over Vietnam, especially

ENV’s volunteers help display ‘Say no to wildlife products’ banners in Vinh Read More »


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